To The Rockstar Entrepreneur:
Creating Your BREAKTHROUGH Q4...
Starts NOW!
Interested in applying for one 
of the 6 Spots?
Submit Your Details Below!
Application & Enrollment into the 4th Quarter 2024 CEO Table Open Now!
Ursula, Inc.
As seen on:
Where Do You Want To Take Your
Business in Q4 and Beyond?
At The CEO Table you will have two coaches dedicated to helping you Create Massive Growth & Breakthroughs in Your Lives and Businesses...
A Note to You & Your Future Self,

If we met up 12 months from now, what would need to have happen in order for this to be your BREAKTHROUGH year?

We tend to overestimate what we can get done in a day, yet we usually underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.

In order to create your BREAKTHROUGH year in business, you must start now.

We're seeking 6 business leaders that we can turn into extraordinary success stories that will inspire thousands...

And with our support and coaching, we truly believe anything can happen in the next 12 months.

It took me years (working longgg days) to create my first six-figure year. Today, we've helped people double, triple, even 5x their revenue in less than one year.

And now it's your turn.

We're looking for a committed individual who we can mentor intensively to experience extraordinary success over the next 12 months.

Here's what that looks like...
The CEO Table is strategically curated to help you get the support you crave, while working with you to overcome the challenges and hurdles of growing a business, so you can experience the breakthroughs you need to succeed!

Over the next 12 months, we are going to support you in the following ways...
The CEO Table is designed to facilitate your breakthrough year in Q4 and beyond.

This container gives you the coaching, support, community, ideas and accountability to achieve the unthinkable in your business!

In short, we create an environment where your success is the only option.
We don't believe in that working “hard" or working all the time leads to success. We think hard work and long hours are NOT all it takes to be successful. Thinking smarter, using your intuition and focusing on the needle movers creates a business that gives you more freedom and fulfillment.

The CEO Table is a combination of working "smart" on your business AND having fun (one of our core values).

We support our CEO Table Members to focus their energy on improving, scaling and growing what already IS working. “Energy follows intention!”
A BREAKTHROUGH is an experience in creating or accomplishing something that you previously thought impossible or unachievable.

It may be an increase in revenue, it may be a decrease in work hours, a change in lifestyle or simply a desire to reach more people. Your Breakthrough is yours to create!

There comes a time when most of us feel "stuck." We've hit a plateau, and despite how hard we push, the progress seems minimal.

We're looking to take everything to that next level, and we want the rocket fuel to get us there!
Well, here's the truth...
The breakthrough needed to skyrocket you to that next level can't be found in an online course. You can't learn in a video where your blind spots are. And even reading one more book will probably not get you where you want to go (trust me, I’ve read thousands!).

Look at the greatest athletes in the world. They all have coaches to keep them focused, on track and performing at optimal levels. In fact, you are 95% more likely to achieve your goals simply by having a coach.

That's exactly what The CEO Table is designed for: To Facilitate Your Breakthrough.

2020 was the first year we officially ran this program, and it say it was a success is an understatement as we’ve had clients renew year upon year.

The CEO Table isn’t an event…it’s a 12-Month Experience!
The promise of the CEO Table is simple: to facilitate a BREAKTHROUGH YEAR in your business and your life….and to create a FREEDOM SCHEDULE to work 25 hours per week while still doubling (or more!) your monthly revenue. All this while taking a quantum leap past your comfort zone into a whole new world of possibility and exponential growth. Breakthroughs happen in an instant, lasting change takes time.
Quick RECAP of
The CEO TABLE is a 12-month Program designed to grow and scale your
business for the rest of 2024 and into 2025 & we’ve opened up just 6 additional spots.
Here is a quick recap of everything that is included...
  • Private One on One Coaching (x12) with a Certified Master Coach ($30,000 Value)
  • ​Daily Support & Accountability inside our intimate Facebook Group ($10,000 Value)
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls (x3) & Laser Coaching ($15,000 Value)
  • ​Quarterly (x4) Live Business Labs ($10,000 Value)
  • Monthly Coffee & Conversations with your fellow entrepreneurs! (Invaluable!)
  • ​…and much more!
All strategically designed to effectively support you for a BREAKTHROUGH YEAR because, again, having a coach means you are 95% more likely to achieve your goals.
The CEO Table is Application-Only and Spots Are Limited!
90% of the magic of The CEO Table is the private coaching you receive AND how the members show up for each other and themselves. Rebekah and I are super honored and humbled to have attracted a group of such remarkable and successful entrepreneurs who continually inspire and uplevel us!
And it is for this reason, admission into The CEO Table is only available through application and an extensive interview process.
Your Investment for
We designed The CEO Table to be a high-end, high-touch experience.  You could make hundreds of
thousands, but you won't pay anywhere near that.

Our clients have told us that not joining the CEO Table sooner cost them over $225,000.
  • Each seat in THE CEO Table is worth +$65,000 for a year.
  • BUT your investment is just $79.13 per day or only $68.49 a day when you utilize our pay in full bonus...
  •  We have many ways to finance your coaching program. The real question is, do you want to be part of The CEO Table? If yes, apply today, and we will help you figure out the rest!
Click on the button below to open up The CEO Table APPLICATION PAGE...

Take your time to fill it out..

NOTE: Even if you are not 100% sure you're joining yet, fill out the application anyways. It will help you get clear and focused on where you are and what you need next in your business. 

The DEADLINE to submit your application is Friday, September 20th at 11:59 pm.

This is going to be THE BEST YEAR EVER! I really hope we get to work together, and we can't wait to get started!
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