Activate a New Belief Zone To 2x, 3x or 10x+ Your Revenue This Year!

Are you ready to believe that it is possible to 2x, 3x or 10x+ your revenue this year?
There was a time when I struggled to reach my first 6 figures in business. And it was harder than anything I could have ever imagined.

Years later, I created $100,000 months.

But it wasn’t “easy” to get there because I thought I had so many limiting beliefs that told me I couldn’t.
I couldn’t make enough money to have “overflow."

I couldn’t get out of debt.

I couldn't "be" like the other people who were making it happen.

When I dug down, though, I realized that I really only had a few limiting beliefs that were keeping me stuck.

The problem was they were the same limiting beliefs that I was repeating over and over again in my mind.

And the worst part?

I believed them.

First, I believed that I had to work hard to deserve money to come to me.

Second, I believed that a lot of money was for “other people –people who were smarter, more charismatic, better connected than me.
Maybe you can relate to these beliefs?

And then I became an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Certified Coach and I discovered that you could actually identify and release limiting beliefs so they no longer stop you.

This BLEW my mind.
During the coaching program I practiced with other coaches and we shifted each other’s beliefs. I began to release the layers of beliefs about money and who I had to “be” to receive more.

And as those beliefs fell away, like a statue being carved, I became more visible, more confident, and money started to flow more easily to me…

…and I began to live the life I had always dreamed about—that I thought was for someone else.

Isn’t it time for you to shed those limiting beliefs so you can 2x, 3x, 4x or 10x+ your revenue and life the life of YOUR dreams?

Then I’m going to show you how…

I am thrilled to announce the return of the Belief Zone Masterclass!

And, you are personally invited.

I first published The Belief Zone in 2017 and since then many clients and readers have shared that the process inside the book, The Belief Zone Blueprint, has changed their lives.
And I’d love for it to change YOUR life, too.

If you are under $100,000 in revenue, we will clear the limiting belies to reach $200,000. If you are around $200,000, we will clear the limiting beliefs to reach $500,000. And if you are at $500,000, we will clear the limiting beliefs to show you the exact path to $1M.

While it’s a $997 retail value it is my gift to you.

During the Belief Zone Masterclass you will:
  • Clarify your revenue + professional goals. Until you are crystal clear on what you really want, it cannot show up for you. I will show you how to create your very own Belief Zone Blueprint so it makes it almost inevitable that you will reach your goals.
  • ​Identify and release the #1 limiting belief that is holding you back from 2x, 3x, 4x or 10xing your revenue right now. Plus, I will take you through a powerful visualization exercise to lock in your Belief Zone Blueprint!
  • Finally, discover how to collapse time and create a plan to reach your goals even faster! Collapsing time and making quantum leaps is one of my superpowers, and I look forward to showing you how to do this!
Here’s what you will receive:
  • ​Three content-rich training videos
  • ​The Belief Zone Masterclass Workbook
  • ​A Digital Copy of my best-selling books, "One Great Goal" and "The Belief Zone".
Here’s What Clients Are Saying...
Your Host
Ursula Mentjes

Five-time Bestselling Author, Award winning Entrepreneur and Business Growth Expert— Ursula Mentjes—will transform the way you think about scaling so you can reach your quantum revenue goals with less anxiety and less effort! The founder of Ursula, Inc. as well as an inspirational speaker, author of five business growth books, Ursula specializes in Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help clients double and triple their revenue FAST.

Honing her skills at an international technical training company, where she began her career in 1996, Ursula increased sales by 90% in just one year! In 2001, when the company’s annual run was in the tens of millions, Ursula advanced to the position of President at just 27 years old. Sales guru Brian Tracy endorsed Selling with Intention saying, “This powerful, practical book shows you how to connect with customers by fully understanding the sales process from the inside out. It really works!” Ursula has gone on to coach and train thousands of business owners through their biggest blocks to reach their next level in business.
Ursula also serves as Past Statewide Chairperson of the NAWBO-CA Education Fund and Past President of NAWBO-CA. Ursula is the recipient of the SBA’s Women in Business Champion and is a recipient of the Willow Tree Extraordinary Example and Extraordinary Entrepreneur Awards, the NAWBO-IE ANITA Award, chosen as PDP’s Extraordinary Speaker, PDP’s Business Woman of the Year, Spirit of the Entrepreneur Awards Finalist and is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the President of the United States of America.She has shared the stage with bestselling author Loral Langemeier, Les Brown, Tom Antion, Lisa Nichols, Giuliana Rancic and many others! Her clients include Aflac, Ebenezer, Keller Williams, Fairview Hospitals, New York Life, Paychex and more! She holds a B.A. in Psychology and Communication, an M.S. in Counseling Psychology and is an NLP Certified Coach through the NLP Institute of California.
Ursula Mentjes or anyone at Ursula Mentjes, Inc. cannot and does not guarantee results or guarantee that you will get the same results as others.

Nothing on this sales page or anywhere on the website, in our content or training workshops promise or guarantee future results or earnings, no do we offer any medical, legal, tax or other professional advice. Any numbers here reported by other clients are just illustrations of what others have done but do not guarantee that will happen for others. Always us caution when purchasing others and consult your accountant or lawyer for specific questions. You are responsible for your own outcomes and therefore by registering for this course or any others and you agree to not hold us liable.